Tuesday 31 January 2012

D.N.A Treatment

Guy Parker, a morgue worker, harbours a dark secret. He kills criminals, and has been for years. However, he plants the DNA of the dead bodies he recieves in the morgue onto those he kills, thus creating an unsolvable mystery in order to prove that the police are useless. However, after killing a kidnapper, he learns that the man wasn't just a kidnapper; he was also a bomb specialist. This kidnapper/bomb specialist left a bomb in the middle of a crowded city, but they don't know where, or how to disarm it. The bomb destructs and Parker is caught in the blast. Injured, he stumbles back to the morgue, horrified by what he'd done. By killing one criminal, he'd killed a hundred innocents. This drives him insane and he leaves the police a message telling them where to find their killer, himself. By the time they arrive, he has a knife through his heart...

...And the DNA of a long-dead person on the handle.

Throughout the film, you follow both the Police investigation and Guy Parker's murders. While you do not know everything Guy Parker is doing, you know enough to see how far the police are getting in their investigation.

Monday 30 January 2012

Preliminary Work: Meeting with a Crazy Person

This video is a half-successful preliminary for our work. In it, two old friends, one sane, one completely nuts, meet for the first time in years. Chaos ensues.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Film Questionnaire

What genre of film do you prefer? Circle below
-Comedy -Horror
-Thriller -Science fiction
-Fantasy -Action

What is your gender? Circle below

What is your age group? Circle below
-10 – 12 - 31 – 40
-13 – 15 - 41 - 50
-16 – 18 - 51 - 60
-19 – 21 - 65+
- 22 - 30

What is your ethnicity? Circle Below
- White British - East Asian
- Black British -Other
- Afro Caribbean

What is your Class? Circle below
- Upper class - Working class
- Middle class -Other

What is your Occupation? State Below


Pick your favourite actor out of these? Circle below?
- Harrison Ford -Johnny Depp
- Al Pacino - Denzel Washington
- Robert De Niro - Benedict Cumberbatch

Pick your favourite Actress out of these? Circle below
-Grace Kelly -Nicole Kidman -Reese Witherspoon
- Joan Allen -Gwyneth Paltrow

9. What media do you consume the most? Circle below
- TV -Radio
- Magazine -Internet
- Newspaper -Other

How often do you go to see movies (Approx)? Circle below
- Once a month -Once a year
- Once a week - More than once a week
- Less than once a year - Other

What is your favourite pass time? State Below


What is your favourite genre of music? State Below


State your favourite artist? State below

____________________________________________________________ Here is our feedback from the questionnaire:
This shows the age range of the consumers of the questionnaire. As you can see a majority was 16-18, though they are the main consumers we will try to make our film appeal to other age ranges.
By asking what genre of film people most like, we would be able to add a little element of that genre and put it into our film to make it appeal to a broader audience.
Looking at the class of the consumers of the questionnaire we can see that the majority are working class, this indicates that we can not use intellectual jokes as our audience may not be able to understand it.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Contact Details

Guys, you can contact me here, on Tumblr, DeviantArt or, if worst comes to worst, Fanfiction.
I swear I'm not trying to pimp out my digital art.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

     The Black Swan title sequence doesnt give much away to the audince about the film. the thing that draws the audience in the most is the dramatic music creating suspence and in someways creates tension. the feathers falling could suggest innocents however the colour black could mean darkness and toutre instead of the white feathers white could mean purity. the shattered name of the black swan plays with the fact that the girl (Natalie Portman) because more and more unstable and in a way shattered like the name.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VAPPWRPyKc

Tuesday 10 January 2012


Period 1


C, J


C, R and M
C, J


C, R and M

J, C and M
R,C and M
C, R and M
J, R, M

C, R and M

C, M and R


C: Charlotte
J: Jade
M: Mehwish
R: Rachel

Monday 9 January 2012

The opening sequence throws the audience straight in to the action. there is a close-up of one of the characters faces then she falls off a bridge. I think that is very interesting, as it hints at the narrative.

It starts in a non-linear structure as the audience are thrown into the middle of the film. This makes the audience want to know what happened before they got up to this point. I however did not really like this technique as I felt I couldn't get a grasp on the film.

The 'Following' has a very interesting opening sequence as it takes the symbolic route. It starts off with a person putting on gloves, which could show that they are trying to hide who they are.
In the middle of the scene it goes black and the film title comes up. I think this is an interesting technique as the audience aren't expecting to see it.

The movie cuts straight from the opening sequence to dialogue. This creates suspense as the audience do not know what is going on so everything is a mystery.

One thing i found interesting is that there was know title sequence this may be due to the low budget but i thought that is was interesting as it could be said that the title has been shown for a reason as the director wanted a sense of suspense through out the movie.

I quite liked this opening as it didn't give to much away and it still leaves the audience guessing

the sixth sense

The opening sequence to 'The Sixth Sense' creates suspense and mystery. While the titles are rolling there is airy music in the background this makes the audience uneasy and on edge. When the title comes up the music goes into a crescendo and starts on a different melody this may show that things are not how they seem.

I felt as though the title sequence was very long and I think it's because the words that faded in took a long time to. This is something to consider.

the first shot that we see is of a light slowly turning on from pitch black from the title sequence to the wine cellar they have in the basement. This gives a sense of continuity within the scene.

I like the idea of linking the two scenes together and it gave a nice ending to the opening credits.