Sunday 15 April 2012

5.How did you attract/address your audience?


Audience There are a range different types of audience that out product could attract. For example, the fact that it mainly focuses on only one women. The female in question  is  tall,black , wears glasses (sterostyping that she's smart) , has an hour glass figure which appeals to most males. she is 26 and has a forensic science degree from the universtiy of cambridge so she is smart, it also shows that she's comfertable disecting bodies (making her an ideal killer). she is a pathologist in area of work which makes her less likely to suspect.
this type of character would appeal to the likes of
teenage girls becuase the main characters a girl and could have some relation to he charcter.also this might attract girls because of the fact its a thriller there expected to jump , they could take there boyfriends for comfort which ties in with it also attracting males. Aso the character is a very strong character and has very little time because her 'work' is alway busy so the character can relate to some types of people however some can dislike the character as she's constantly at work and is a strong character , some men dont like that in women.
Our thriller has certain themes of the tv show Body Of Proof  which again has a main women in it that appeals to simialar audience to our thriller.

<----------- the main character is a pathologist like our character in our thriller.

we did a questionaire for our audience research  and our film attracted 16-18 year olds I think that this is because the film its self is certificated 15  which limits us to a smaller range of audience but at the same time means that because of the age ,teenagers like to go to the cinema so our film will be viewed alot by this age area.

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