Sunday 15 April 2012

Jade Evariste Question 7


Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Our preliminary task was a learning curve for all of us. We learnt about shot composition as in one shots the tripod is visible so we made sure that nothing else could be seen in the shots, it also made us aware of how the shot looks for our real film opening. We had 30 seconds of a character walking to her destination in our preliminary task which is a very long time and also very boring, this made us more aware of the length of the shot for our opening and when to cut a shot.
In our preliminary task we used an establishing shot to show where the characters were, this is something we used for our opening as it is important for the audience to know where the characters are in the shot to make it more natural. We also learnt about the importance of lightning from the preliminary task, as in some shot parts of the characters faces are unseen (Not from the bad quality). This made us consciously aware of the lighting in the shot and if everything can be seen. We learnt the importance of editing, as if the transitions are too out of the ordinary which makes the clip look unrealistic.
Through out our product we used continuity editing as there is a seen where the character is going into the lift with a credit fading in and when the lift opens back up it fades out. This something we learnt about while shooting our preliminary task.

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