Sunday 15 April 2012

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I defiantly feel that we needed the preliminary task to get to grips with everything like the filming and editing.

how we progressed in filming
To the best of our abiltiy we tried to control the shadow and light in our opening as much as we could, and so any shadows were intended in order to display the conflict of the narrative. however some of the shadow and light were not planned but i do think it gave a more suspicious side to emmabelle's character.

how we progressed in editing
for editing i feel like we came together as more of team then individuals , or pairs as some of us were ill through the preliminary task .also we knew more about the softwear we were using so we could put more effects like fades into our product which gave it a finishing touch ,and it made it look more offical.  
also the use of objects not needing to be in the shot was very muh visable for example the tripod was left in the shot and jackets that weren't supposed to be there. also the difference in camera quailty is very visable if you see in the permlinary the camera is all distornted and you can just make out rachael however if you look at the thriller shot the camera quailty is 10x better then the prelim task.
In the preliminary, we didn’t have any special shots, it was all very similar throughout the whole video, focussing more on dialogue, which turned out as a mistake, as we managed to miss out a very important clip which we couldn’t solve in editing. In D.N.A, there is no dialogue at all, which turned out for the best although there is obvisouly dialouge throughtout the rest of the film, the key thing in our thriller was the editing it played a very big part and i feel that all 3 of us have deffinatly have developed our skills in the editing department.

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