Sunday 15 April 2012

Rachel Iliffe - Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the Beginning: The very first technology I learned how to use was Prezi, which I could use as a way to present my findings on Thrillers, among other things. It’s a new and aesthetically pleasing way to create a presentation, and I have found it to be useful. The second way to present my findings is using Blogger, which is easier and slightly more gradual than a single presentation, though less visually exciting as Prezi can be. However, it still provides the necessary services to include videos, pictures and links. I can utilise these to create an effective presentation, which has been useful. Then there is Microsoft Excel, which I learnt how to use to create charts of various types to present information in a visually interesting way. I also got a start to the use of the Mini DV Camera during the making of the preliminary, but not much.
During Production: As the camera operator, I managed to get a proper knowledge of how to operate the Mini DV Camera and each of its functions. It is easily portable and high-quality, and capable of filming close-ups clearly, which was useful for the close-up shots. It also created smooth moving shots, which I used during filming to create interesting close-up tracking shots. Alongside the camera, I also learned how to use a tripod and tracks to create the shots I required. A tripod helped me keep a steady shot instead of an unsteady one from being held. It also helped make moving shots smoother, though the tracks were the best for a smooth tracking shot which was important during the first flashback. Mobile phones also became important during production, for both communication between each person in the group, and as part of filming, as it appeared in the finished product.
Post Production: Editing the movie required using iMovie so that I could put the required clips together. I had no previous experience using it, but it was easy to understand and use, as well as produce a pleasing result. I also used Adobe After Effects in order to animate the Thriller title at the end of the product, as well as overlap the animated title and the beginning clip for the “Distributor”. It was difficult to use at first but incredibly handy, as it has the ability to merge clips and titles for interesting title sequences. Last of all, I learnt how to use Garage Band, and to some extent Logic Pro while assisting the composer in creating music to add onto the clips. It can be complicated technology, but it helped to create the atmospheric music, and can create any sound I choose.

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