Sunday 15 April 2012

Rachel Iliffe - Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I have a couple of choices of institutions for the thriller, though we came up with our own institution to put on the title sequence; Soevil Productions, a clever combination of each of our surnames to create one name. However, the existing institutes I have thought of are Universal Studios and Summit Entertainment, which are the two most suitable companies..
Universal Studios is one of the largest mainstream companies which has distributed many famous movies such as Frankenstein, The Railway Children and ET. It is a distributor which takes all sorts of Genres, and spreads movies world-wide. This would be the best for our Thriller; however I believe the thriller is not mainstream enough to be distributed by Universal Studios.
So the better idea is Summit Entertainment. Summit Entertainment has distributed Thrillers in the past, some of which even similar to our own Thriller. It also has famous films of other Genres, such as Twilight, which means it is very well known, and would be suitable for our Thriller.

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