Saturday 14 April 2012

charlotte 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

the narrative was quite difficult for the audience to get to grips with , for example with the twist and turns to the story is you never really know who the killer is it reminded me of an episode of the TV drama criminal minds where you never really know whats going on until the end.


D.N.A Treatment

Guy Parker, a morgue worker, harbours a dark secret. He kills criminals, and has been for years. However, he plants the DNA of the dead bodies he recieves in the morgue onto those he kills, thus creating an unsolvable mystery in order to prove that the police are useless. However, after killing a kidnapper, he learns that the man wasn't just a kidnapper; he was also a bomb specialist. This kidnapper/bomb specialist left a bomb in the middle of a crowded city, but they don't know where, or how to disarm it. The bomb destructs and Parker is caught in the blast. Injured, he stumbles back to the morgue, horrified by what he'd done. By killing one criminal, he'd killed a hundred innocents. This drives him insane and he leaves the police a message telling them where to find their killer, himself. By the time they arrive, he has a knife through his heart...

...And the DNA of a long-dead person on the handle.

Throughout the film, you follow both the Police investigation and Guy Parker's murders. While you do not know everything Guy Parker is doing, you know enough to see how far the police are getting in their investigation.
our treatment gives and hides things to the reader showing that the treatment even hides things just like the film.
Like the narrative, we used the sense of hidden meanings or things

you never see all of the character until the lab scene to create a sense of secrecy about her , it make the audience suspicious because the stereotype for killers is normally a man

the title of our production like our narration has a hidden meaning to it just like the murders and killer does 
D.N.A :in its scientific form its Deoxyribonucleic acid however in our product it means DEAD NOR ALIVE   to keep the audience guessing and wondering 

our production did not challenge the ways of a normal thriller it kept to the ''guidelines'' of a thriller.
we used the ''guidelines'' of a thriller because if we didnt we would be risking not appealing to audience, because we can tell what sort of thrillers work and what thrillers dont from research.

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